The Institute of Energy Systems and Technology (head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Epple) at TUDA has large experience in the field of power plant technology, particularly in solid fuel combustion processes and related CO2 capture technologies, with key expertise in modeling and simulation of multiphase flows and power plant processes, as well as experimental investigations in pilot scale test facilities. A 1 MWth test rig for investigations of standard carbonate looping (CaL) and chemical looping combustion as well as a 300 kWth test rig for the indirectly heated CaL have been erected and operated at TUDA (URL: www.est.tudarmstadt.de). The 300 kWth pilot plant will be used in ANICA for testing the indirectly heated CaL process at real conditions of power and cement plants. TUDA has already developed process models of the indirectly heated CaL process for power plant applications. These models will be adapted and utilized for evaluating the application to power and cement plants in ANICA. Furthermore, TUDA has been the coordinator of several European and national research projects (e.g. CARINA, SCARLET, CLARA).