Work Package 1 – Process Development
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D1.1 | Preliminary concept for integrating IHCaL into a lime plant | (M12, TUDA) | ✓ |
D1.2 | Characterization of spent sorbent regarding utilization in the lime process | (M37, LGE) | ✓ |
D1.3 | Final concept for integrating IHCaL into a lime plant | (M40, TUDA) | ✓ |
D1.4 | Preliminary concept for integrating IHCaL into a cement plant | (M15, VDZ) | ✓ |
D1.5 | Characterization of spent sorbent regarding utilization in the cement process | (M46, VDZ) | ✓ |
D1.6 | Final concept for integrating IHCaL into a cement plant | (M49, VDZ) | ✓ |
D1.7 | Experiments on cement raw meal for fully integrated solution | (M27,VDZ) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D2.1 | Design of pilot plant upgrades | (M6, TUDA) | ✓ |
D2.2 | Pilot test at lime plant conditions | (M30, TUDA) | ✓ |
D2.3 | Pilot test of tail-end integration into a cement plant | (M37, TUDA) | ✓ |
D2.4 | Pilot test of high integration into a cement plant | (M37, TUDA) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D3.1 | IHCaL process model for lime applications | (M33, TUDA) | ✓ |
D3.2 | IHCaL process model for cement applications | (M37, TUDA) | ✓ |
D3.3 | CFD model using the dense discrete particle model | (M43, CERTH) | ✓ |
D3.4 | Comparative assessment of solid/solid heat exchanger concepts | (M30, TUDA) | ✓ |
D3.5 | Concept of a two-stage calciner for limestone | (M46, FAU) | ✓ |
D3.6 | Improved heat exchanger arrangement | (M37, FAU) | ✓ |
D3.7 | Improved heat pipe design | (M33, FAU) | ✓ |
D3.8 | Long-term heat pipe tests | (M46, FAU) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D4.1 | Risk mitigation plan for IHCaL integration in a lime plant | (M32, ESTRA) | ✓ |
D4.2 | Risk mitigation plan for IHCaL integration in a cement plant | (M37, ESTRA) | ✓ |
D4.3 | Techno-economic assessment of IHCaL integration in a lime plant | (37, ULSTER) | ✓ |
D4.4 | Techno-economic assessment of IHCaL integration in a cement plant | (40, ULSTER) | ✓ |
D4.5 | Life-cycle analysis of IHCaL integration in a lime plant | (40, ULSTER) | ✓ |
D4.6 | Life-cycle analysis of IHCaL integration in a lime plant | (43, ULSTER) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D5.1 | Basic process layout of the fluidized bed demonstration plant | (M40, TKIS) | ✓ |
D5.2 | Basic design of the fluidized bed reactor system of the demonstration plant | (M43, TKIS) | ✓ |
D5.3 | CFD simulations of the fluidized bed reactors of the demonstration plant | (M46, CERTH) | ✓ |
D5.4 | Cost estimation of the fluidized bed demonstration plant | (M49, TKIS) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D6.1 | Basic process layout of the Direct Separation – IHCaL demonstration plant | (M29, CALIX) | ✓ |
D6.2 | Basic design of the Direct Separation – IHCaL demonstration plant | (M37, CALIX) | ✓ |
D6.3 | CFD simulations of the Direct Separation – IHCaL demonstration plant | (M40, CALIX) | ✓ |
D6.4 | Cost estimation of the Direct Separation – IHCaL demonstration plant and roadmap | (M43, CALIX) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D7.1 | Project logo and website | (M3, TUDA) | ✓ |
D7.2 | First public workshop | (M24, TUDA) | ✓ |
D7.3 | Second public workshop | (M49, TUDA) | ✓ |
D7.4 | Industrially oriented newsletters | (M6, TUDA) | ✓✓✓✓✓✓ |
D7.5 | Exploitation plan | (M49, TKIS) | ✓ |
Number | Name | Due, Responsible | Published/Submitted |
D8.1 | Project Management Plan | (M3, TUDA) | ✓ |